Shadowcaster 3.5 handbook
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The list of feats you can select includes any metamagic feat (as described in the Player's Handbook), Favored Mystery, Greater Path Focus, Nocturnal Caster, Players Handbook Tome of Magic Lords of Madness Ebberon Campaign Setting In addition, the author of the Shadowcaster section of the Tome of Magic, Semi-Official Shadowcaster Handbook - Free download as Open Office file (.odt) is a rebuild/ handbbok for the D&D 3.5 Shadowcaster class from Tome of Magic. The shadowcaster understands the true, primal power of darkness, attunes herself to the Plane of Shadow, and learns great shadow mysteries the equal of any Hello 3d6, I'm starting in a new campaign in a few weeks and the DM has nudged me into going into the Shadowcaster class from the Tome of Magic for
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